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Make Sure You Bring A Well Equipped Camping First Aid KitWhile family camping is fun most of the time, you are still outdoors, subject to rough terrain and nature, and occasionally you might need a camping first aid kit. Be prepared for any emergencies that might arise and have a plan in place to deal with them. Ideally you should have someone with some basic first aid knowledge along on your trip. You may want to take a first aid and CPR class yourself. Good camping safety practices means happy campers! Most camping supply stores will have a first aid kit that is already put together. There are all sorts of camping first aid kits, for individuals, couples, and families... with first aid supplies for an afternoon hike, an overnight wilderness trek, or even long-term camping. You will decide what camping safety supplies are important to you when purchasing or putting your kit together. I have found these two well-stocked camping first aid kits which contain many items I mention on the checklist. This first kit is smaller and contains enough supplies for a couple of people, for a couple of days. This larger kit contains enough supplies for a one- to two-week trip, for 1-8 people. You can also pack your own first aid supplies in a kit. You can use a small tote or a Ziplock bag to hold your supplies all together. Remember that whether you are using a pre-made kit or have put together your own, it is important to re-check the expiration dates of the products in your kit before each camping trip, as well as refresh any supplies you might have used on previous campouts. You may choose to use the checklist to throw together a batch of first aid supplies together every time you go out...or you may decide to put them together as a ready-made kit, and keep it ready to grab for campouts or in the car. I have put together an extensive list of first aid supplies. Modify the list to meet you and your family's needs. For example, I like to include cold medication and Vick's Vapor Rub in mine as invariably one of my kids will suddenly have congestion while we are gone...you may decide this item is not important to you. I have starred the important items you should make sure you pack. Camping First Aid Kit ChecklistClick for printable Camping First Aid Kit Checklist (PDF file)Wound And Burn Care
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