Camping Games and Camping Activities, A Checklist to Make Sure You Pack Something To Do At The CampsiteCamping games and other camping activities keep you and the kids occupied. Some activities are designed to spend some time together as a family, while others will keep the kids occupied while you are trying to accomplish a task such as cooking dinner. Games for kids keep them from getting bored, while other camping activities pique their interest in nature and promote a future interest in camping. And what about activities for adults??? Of course! Once the site is cleaned up and a job to do isn't looming (like starting dinner)...I love to relax and kick back in my camping chair, maybe reading or cross stitching, while my husband likes to putter around gathering wood, building a fire, or doing something active but fun for him. So here is a checklist to make sure you pack loads of fun stuff for you to do on your campout! Of course, you many enjoy a whole bunch of other things, so add your own to the list. Camping Games and Activities ChecklistClick for printable Camping Games Checklist (PDF file)Games
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