camping, camping tips, family camping

Ontario, Killbear - in Parry Sound

by Melanie
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Ontario campgrounds, Killbear

Ontario campgrounds, Killbear

When I was younger, we used to camp a lot. I remember as a child packing up the tent trailer (and tent for my sister and I - it was more fun that way) and the car and off we went.

On the highway we would meet up with 2 other families and off we went on this amazing 3 hour journey up into the wilderness (we were real city dwellers). We would get campsites next to each other.

We would hike through the woods, play on the sandy beach and swim in the waters of Georgian Bay.

We would go looking for white-tailed deer and lizards - didn't see much of either but it was fun!

The sunsets are spectacular!

As we got older we stopped camping, then as an older teenager my friends wanted to go camping - so I insisted on Killbear! On busy weekends you can't get a campsite so book early!


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Best national park I have been to ever!
by: Cameron

I have been to tons of national parks in my life but this one is the best one ever because they have nice beaches, cool events you can go to for free also the camp sites are wonderful too. It's the best place ever I go every time I can!!!

Killbear looks beautiful!
by: Jewel

Thanks for sharing Melanie, this looks like a beautiful campground!

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